Business Committee


Meeting Venue:
Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Ty Hywel



Meeting date:
18 October 2011


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Anna Daniel (Clerk)
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8144






1.    Apologies & announcements 



2.    Minutes of the previous meeting  (Pages 1 - 2)



3.    Organisation of Business 




3 (i)      This Week's Business BC(4)12-11(p1) (Pages 3 - 4)




3 (ii)    Three week timetable of Government Business BC(4)12-11(p2) (Page 5)




3 (iii)  Three week timetable of Assembly Business BC(4)12-11(p3) (Page 6)



4.    Legislation 




4 (i)      Supplementary Legislative Consent Motion: Education Bill BC(4)12-11(p4) (Pages 7 - 12)



5.    Committees 




5 (i)      Common Agricultural Policy Task and Finish Group - Request to meet at Royal Welsh Winter Fair BC(4)12-11(p5) (Pages 13 - 14)

